Why Spelling and Grammar Matter in Online Business Communications and Social Media

Little is worse than glaring spelling and grammatical errors on a corporate website and social media.

While we should assume that big and small businesses would understand the importance of clean text in their media and publications, a surprising decline in our language is increasingly evident when we navigate online posts by businesses of all sizes.

Social media has grown from a platform for informal communication and personal interactions into a vital business tool. It has become essential to marketing strategies, customer engagement, brand awareness, and so much more. However, with great power comes great responsibility, and one area businesses must not overlook in their social media management is the quality of their language, particularly spelling and grammar.

The significance of proper spelling and grammar in business communication cannot be overstated. In this post, we’ll explore why these seemingly minute details can critically impact your business image and have potentially negative consequences if neglected.

The Power of First Impressions

One of the reasons proper spelling and grammar are crucial in business social media posts is because they greatly influence first impressions. When a potential customer, client, or partner sees your posts, they quickly form an opinion about your business based on the content you share, and that includes the language you use. Grammatical errors, incorrect spelling, and poor syntax can lead to negative first impressions. They may perceive your business as sloppy, unprofessional, or careless — not the kind of qualities one seeks in a reputable company.

Credibility and Trustworthiness

Consistently using proper grammar and spelling in your social media posts is a simple way to enhance your credibility. Correct language use suggests a level of professionalism, attention to detail, and competence. On the other hand, habitual errors can undermine your authority in your field and cast doubts on your expertise. If you can’t be trusted to spellcheck a simple post, how can clients trust you with their complex needs?

Communication Clarity

Spelling and grammar rules exist to aid clear and effective communication. Incorrect spelling and poor grammar can lead to misunderstandings, confusion, and misinterpretation. In a business setting, this can be problematic. For example, a promotional post with a grammatical error might convey a completely different message than intended, potentially leading to lost sales or negative customer feedback.

Customer Perception and Engagement

In today’s highly competitive market, customer perception of your brand matters. Poor spelling and grammar can reflect badly on your brand image, making it seem as though you don’t value quality or precision. Moreover, well-crafted posts tend to attract more engagement, increasing the likelihood of shares, comments, and likes, all of which can help boost your brand visibility and customer interaction.

The Impact on SEO

Did you know that poor grammar and spelling can also affect your SEO (Search Engine Optimization) ranking? Search engines like Google are known to prioritize high-quality content. Therefore, posts riddled with grammatical errors and spelling mistakes are less likely to appear in top search results, making it harder for potential customers to find you.

In conclusion, good spelling, grammar, and diligent spellchecking in business social media posts are not just about being pedantic; they are about maintaining a professional image, enhancing credibility, ensuring clear communication, positively influencing customer perception, and even affecting your online visibility. Sloppy writing can lead to a cascade of negative consequences, inadvertently hurting your business.

Consider using grammar and spelling tools, proofreading your posts, or even hiring professional copywriters or editors to ensure your social media posts are up to par. Remember, the way you present your business online can have a significant impact on your success.

The Pitfalls of Using AI for Artwork in Professional Business Branding


It was a phenomenon bound to happen with the explosive popularity of inexpensive, even free, AI-generated art. This blog post is in response to people concerned that AI would take away work from graphic designers like myself and others who ask why they should pay a professional designer to design anything for them at sometimes great expense when AI can do it for virtually free.

In an era where artificial intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing various industries, the world of artwork and design is no exception. AI-powered tools offer convenience and efficiency, leading many businesses to consider using them for creating logos, graphics, and marketing images. However, while AI brings several advantages, relying on it for professional business branding can be a risky move, in much the same way clipart and prefabricated logos are inherently bad moves. In this blog post, we will explore the downsides of using AI for artwork in professional settings and shed light on why human creativity remains essential.

Lack of Originality

One of the primary drawbacks of relying on AI for artwork in branding is the lack of originality. AI algorithms are designed to learn from existing patterns and replicate them, which can result in a homogenized output. When it comes to establishing a unique brand identity, originality is key. Using AI for logo creation, graphics, or marketing images may lead to designs that lack the creative spark that sets your brand apart from competitors.

Limited Emotional Connection

Artwork has the power to evoke emotions and establish a connection with the audience. Humans possess the ability to infuse their work with intention, depth, and subtle nuances that resonate with viewers on an emotional level. AI, on the other hand, lacks the understanding of human emotions and context. While AI algorithms can generate visually appealing designs, they often lack the ability to convey the brand’s personality or capture the intended message accurately.

Inability to Adapt to Specific Needs

Every business has unique requirements and target audiences, and their artwork should reflect that individuality. AI algorithms operate based on pre-existing datasets, which may not encompass the full spectrum of a brand’s needs. Customization is vital when it comes to creating logos, graphics, and marketing images that align with a brand’s vision and values. AI’s rigid nature often falls short in understanding and adapting to specific client needs, making it challenging to create artwork representing a brand’s identity.

Risk of Generic Designs

AI-powered design tools often rely on popular trends and patterns to generate visuals. While trends can be useful in some cases, relying solely on them can result in generic designs that fail to stand out in a crowded market. Successful branding requires a balance between staying relevant and maintaining a unique identity. Human designers have the expertise and intuition to create artwork that transcends trends, ensuring your brand remains distinctive and memorable.

Lack of Creative Problem-Solving

Artwork in professional branding is not just about creating visually appealing designs; it’s about solving creative problems. Businesses often face unique challenges that require a thoughtful, innovative approach to design. AI algorithms, despite their capabilities, lack the human intuition and creativity necessary to navigate complex design problems effectively. Human designers can think critically, adapt to changes, and find creative solutions catering to a brand’s needs.


While AI has undoubtedly transformed various aspects of our lives, it still falls short in certain areas, particularly regarding artwork in professional business branding. Relying solely on AI for logo creation, graphics, and marketing images can result in a lack of originality, limited emotional connection, and generic designs that fail to represent a brand’s uniqueness. To establish a powerful and memorable brand identity, businesses should leverage the expertise and creativity of human designers who can understand the nuances, adapt to specific needs, and solve creative problems effectively. By combining human ingenuity with the power of AI as a supportive tool, businesses can achieve genuinely remarkable artwork that captivates their audience and sets them apart in a competitive landscape.

© 2023 Osku Penttinen, osku Studios, osku inc.

10 reasons why professionally created motion graphics animations and explainer videos are critically important to a business marketing effort

1. They help businesses stand out from the competition

With so many businesses vying for attention online, it’s important to have a video that really pops and helps you stand out from the rest. A professionally created motion graphic animation or explainer video can do just that, catching potential customers’ attention and making your business more memorable.

2. They’re entertaining and engaging

People love watching videos, and a well-made animation or explainer video is bound to keep viewers entertained and engaged. This can help instill positive associations with your brand and encourage viewers to stick around until the end.

3. They look attractive

A good video should be aesthetically pleasing, and a professional touch can really make all the difference. Hiring a professional to create your motion graphics or videos ensures that they will look their best and reflect well on your business.

4. They’re informative

A well-made video can communicate a lot of information in a short amount of time, making them perfect for explaining complex concepts or demonstrating products and services. This can help viewers understand your business better and make them more likely to become customers.

5. They’re appealing to a wide audience

Videos are popular with people of all ages, so creating one can help you reach a wider audience than other marketing methods. This is especially true if you make sure to optimize your videos for search engines.

6. They encourage viewers to take action

A good video can prompt viewers to take the next step, whether that’s visiting your website, subscribing to your channel, or making a purchase. including a call to action in your videos can help increase leads and conversions for your business.

7. They’re shareable

Viewers are more likely to share a video they enjoyed than other types of content, so your motion graphic or video could end up being seen by even more people than you originally intended. This is great for increasing brand awareness and reach.

8. They can be used again and again

Once you’ve created a video, you can use it in multiple ways and on multiple platforms. You can embed it on your website, share it on social media, or even use it in future marketing campaigns. This makes videos a very cost-effective marketing tool.

9. They help build trust

Videos can be very personal, and when done right, they can help build trust between you and your viewers. This is essential for developing relationships with potential customers and encouraging them to do business with you.

10. They’re versatile

Videos can be used for a variety of purposes, from promoting a new product to providing customer service. This makes them an incredibly versatile marketing tool that can be used in a variety of ways to help your business succeed.

Can crowdsourcing logo design damage your business?

How important is a logo to a company’s brand?

A logo is at the core of a company’s image, communications and marketing brand. It is the symbol and icon that heralds the promise of great products or service from a firm. A great logo is memorable and easily recognized. The design and development of a logo, which encapsulates and communicates clearly the spirit and essence of a company; one that connects with buyers, demands some real sleeves up work from an experienced designer. It is not something that is whipped up in a day or a task charged for by the hour like plumbing. There is a process of research, design and development of many concepts, testing and finally implementation of the best idea which can take weeks if not months to achieve a great corporate icon. It is the most difficult and most important part in the development of a marketing and branding package. A logo often guides the overall graphic direction and defines the spirit of a company’s communications designs. This is important for the integrity of a brand. Sure, it sounds expensive and when done right, it can be. But it doesn’t always have to be.

Should you employ crowdsourcing to save money? 

Despite the claims by websites offering discount design services, designers competing for work in crowdsourcing sites are not highly qualified professionals. Qualified professionals in any white collar industry do not work for as little as $5 per hour. They do not ignore the fundamental research and contact with the client needed to do the job correctly. The offer of a $99 logo design, worked on by a team of so called designers, may look appealing economically in the short term. But in the long term may spell disaster for any business just looking to save a few dollars. The thought of employing a cheap designer for your business communications should be as shocking as looking for a cheap dentist to do your root canal work. The outcome can’t be good in either scenario.

People working for crowdsourcing sites may know nothing about your industry or market. It’s impossible for you to interview designers in a crowdsourcing site to find out if they have what it takes to do your project. Add to this, the fact that crowdsourced designers work all over the world, in many different cultures, markets and economies. It is not reasonable to ask a designer in Mumbai to understand the market in Toronto. Culture and economy affect buyer attitudes and decisions. Corporate design must reflect these attitudes locally to be effective. If a logo design is done poorly, it will inevitably reflect badly on the business. It will affect customer attitudes negatively and therefore the bottom line. Once a bad logo is seen in public it is difficult, if not impossible to recover from it.

In addition, crowdsourcing devalues the design industry, making it increasingly difficult for legitimate local designers to find work and to charge reasonable rates in line with that profession. Anyone employing crowdsourcing sites is contributing to the decline of the local economy.

What if a business can’t afford to hire a qualified professional designer?

Often small business branding demands are considerably less than that of a large corporation. Their offerings and market segment may be simpler and smaller which can help simplify what a logo needs to communicate to the market. Also, many designers understand that a small organization’s budgets may be tight. A good designer is capable of still providing a meaningful and productive service which will help a company get off the ground. A highly skillful logo designer can draw upon their years of experience and relatively quickly come up with solutions which still yield the desired result for their small business client without straining the budget.

I urge every business owner to avoid crowd sourcing, invest in a local designer who understands the local market and knows how to develop a good corporate image. A local designer will care about your business and continue to support you in the future. Employing crowdsourcing takes work away from the local market and designers who may need the work. Crowdsourcing sites don’t care about the long term success of their clients and businesses, they’re in it for the quick buck and that is all.

What Is the Value of Graphic Design?

What is the value of graphic design? Why does it cost so much? These questions often pop up in forums on LinkedIn and other media. Clients often don’t understand the value of what they are getting from their designers. However, the same people likely never challenge the rates their lawyers charge. Yet both lawyers and designers can affect the future of a business.

Popular misconceptions are that design is easy, designers sit and doodle all day, or that they simply push a button and out comes a ready design – hence why do they charge so much? Nothing could be farther from the truth.

Graphic design is a large part of a marketing package which can critically affect the success of a business. Well designed communications which build awareness and compel customers to buy take a great deal of skill and effort to make. A graphic designer is a professional who provides their skills and services from a foundation of years of training and experience. Their skills have great value in the same respect as lawyers, dentists and many other professionals who are expected to have a high level of abilities. A designer usually has worked with many clients, on many campaigns and therefore, has a broad understanding of marketing strategies and tactics. A good designer knows how to communicate effectively to your market segment. They are often able to offer solutions far beyond your own ideas and abilities thus improving your chances of a successful campaign. In this light, a designer should be treated like a business owner’s best friend.

The rates a designer asks for are often reflective of the industry as a whole, of their own personal abilities and their level of experience. For the most part, designers often undervalue themselves and should in fact be charging more when considering all the facts above and knowing that their product will have a measurable impact on their client’s business.

If you’re a business owner, and you’re looking to hire a designer, ask yourself what is your business worth? People and their efforts are motivated by money. I would encourage your designer to do their best work for you by offering them a good wage. It is a worthwhile investment in a highly skilled professional who can affect your success.